Founded in 2012 as a platform for stories across multiple mediums, SORDELET INK was created to give authors, screenwriters, and playwrights a place to publish their work, their way. And all with a theatrical flourish.
From novels to plays, Sordelet Ink is proud to publish a diverse collection of authors with as diverse a sensibility as you're likely to find.
Named for famed Fight Director RICK SORDELET, Sordelet Ink is all about the drama. From adaptations of classic works to new voices that pioneer the world of theatre and literature, Sordelet Ink is fighting to bring you only the very best.
So browse our shelves, and delight yourselves with history, with romance, and with excitement.
“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”
- John Steinbeck
Please note - Sordelet Ink retains no rights to produce the plays we publish. Those rights belong solely to the playwrights themselves. If you are interested in producing one of these plays, contact information for each playwright can be found in the information page within each script.